ePayment of Traffic Citations
You may use this system for the following:
Please read this before paying a Traffic Citation.
- To pay and close your traffic and non-traffic citations, to sign up and pay for Traffic School (if eligible), or to post bail and contest your citation. You may also use this system to extend your initial Pay or Appear due date.
- To pay various outstanding invoices including, but not limited to, sanctions, fax filing fees, continuance fees, filing fees, jury trial fees, investigation fees and returned check charges.
NMI Judiciary ePay-it Disclaimer
Please read this before paying a Traffic Citation.
Hafa Adai and Tirow! Welcome to the online payment service for the Northern Mariana Islands Judiciary (NMI Judiciary). This site allows you to make online payments toward your traffic citations and is provided by the NMI Judiciary. The CNMI Judiciary provides access to information from traffic citations filed in the NMI CNMI Superior Court.
The information displayed is from official records but does not include all information from court records available to the public. Confidential cases, sealed cases, and sealed documents are not available online. The NMI Judiciary has attempted to protect personal identifiers by blocking electronic data fields containing Social Security numbers, birth dates, home addresses, and home telephone numbers. To make an online payment, the last name of the person who received the traffic citation and the Complaint and Citation number is required. For unattended parking citations, the last name of the registered owner may be required. If you do not know the traffic citation number, please contact the Clerk of Superior Court at the following numbers:
- Saipan Superior Court: (670) 236-9766, (670) 783-8522
- Tinian Superior Court: (670) 433-0489
- Rota Superior Court: (670) 532-9411
Transactions can only be processed by using a credit or debit card with a Visa, MasterCard, or Discover logo.
Be advised that a 2.75% credit card fee and a $5.95 convenience fee is added to all payments. If you're making a monthly installment payment, a 2.75% credit card fee and a $5.95 convenience fee is added. Payment in full of fines and costs is required.
By proceeding to pay a traffic citation, you do hereby declare that you are the person, or a person authorized by the individual named on the citation that is being paid. You understand that legal action may be taken if you are not the person or a person authorized by the individual named on the citation.
Payment for certain traffic citations cannot be made online. The person issued a citation where the provided penalty includes the possibility of imprisonment or where the penalty for the violation is governed by 9 CMC § 7112(b) must appear at the CNMI Superior Court in person.
Any person who has been found guilty of or who has signed a plea of guilty to one or more previous moving traffic offenses in the preceding twelve months within the jurisdiction of the court shall not be permitted to appear before the traffic clerk unless the court shall, by general order applying to certain specified offenses, permit such appearance. The NMI Judiciary reserves the right to change or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the online payment service including fees at any time without notice.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Case information provided by the NMI Judiciary through this website is made available “as is,” with no warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the NMI Judiciary and its employees, officers, contractors, agents, or representatives be liable for damages of any nature whatsoever arising from the use of or inability to use this website or the online databases, or for the accuracy or validity of any information provided. While the NMI Judiciary uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate, complete, and current information on this website, it does not guarantee or represent that the information contains no errors, omissions, or inaccuracies. Assessing the accuracy and reliability of the information is the user’s responsibility.